There and Back Again, or the Baltimore Book Festival

This weekend past was the Baltimore Book Festival, where SFWA had their usual pavilion (okay, a large tent), with a bookstore, author signings, and SRO panels.  Seriously, we were packed all day every day, and thanks to everyone who came out and added to really good discussions!


(and thanks to the weather, which was perfect)

I still say that the hands-down winner of any booth was the information setup where they had a widescreen tv showing football on Sunday afternoon. Hey, “who’s winning” is a valid question.  No reason we can’t be avid readers AND sports fans.

Anyway: one of the more interesting panels, IMO, was the “where is publishing going” panel, wherein there was absolutely no doom or gloom (except when we talked about the specter of long-term storage), and a lot of enthusiasm and wild speculation about digital media storytelling, both the format and consumption thereof.

The panel was split on how/if the changes in medium would change the actual ~creation~ of story, though. What think you?


(and yes, of course we shilled Book View Cafe as an excellent example of Doing Digital Right.)


more photos from the Festival: the Poetry Board, and the Team Scrabble Game….DSCN1446


1 thought on “There and Back Again, or the Baltimore Book Festival”

  1. The panel was split on how/if the changes in medium would change the actual ~creation~ of story, though. What think you?

    I think that creators are starting to work that out and I do think that the medium defines its method of creation, ultimately.

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