virtual me

Three Things (and two on credit) make a Monday Post

1. I am interviewed over at Book View Cafe 2. The truth is, sometimes you think you know your theme, you think you know the driving motif, the point you’re trying to make, and then you get to the end and it’s all “holy shit I made that. What the hell is that?” Because the best […]

Three Things (and two on credit) make a Monday Post Read More »

Virtual Me!

So while I’m head-down in manuscript and revisions and whatnot, I also appear around the Internet… You can hear me on this week’s Functional Nerds podcast, being very nerdy and somewhat functional…. (with apologies for the occasional muffled sound… my Skype dropped out once or twice). AND! I’m at the Book View Cafe blog as

Virtual Me! Read More »

Lacking the energy for new content right now, I give you Freebies!

I have a lot to say, actually, but it’s going to take some writing and editing and beta-ing before I’m ready to post it (short version: “Humanity. We make me tired.”) So instead, I’m going to give you something hopefully far more fun. Remember all the cat-herding and project management I was griping about earlier?

Lacking the energy for new content right now, I give you Freebies! Read More »

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