The Devil’s West

“They’re fools, young rider. You know what happens to fools, here.”

I’ve created the Damage Board (where I sort out how much worse the characters are at the end than they were at the beginning). I’ve determined the subplot for the next book. I’ve figured out who lives and who dies. I have Draft 0 of SILVER ON THE ROAD (The Devil’s West #1) Now –

“They’re fools, young rider. You know what happens to fools, here.” Read More »

State of the Meerkat: A Retreat without Retreating

So this was the weekend I had blocked out to do a hard run on SILVER.  Friday afternoon I laid in supplies (ready-to-eat meals and several bottles of wine), updated Anti-Social, and took a declared Twitter-cation for 48 hours. And then I set to work. Saturday morning I walked down to the farmer’s market before

State of the Meerkat: A Retreat without Retreating Read More »

Proof-of-work, and someone else’s words….

This week’s proof-of-work is a small snippet, because anything before/after requires more context than I can explain without, well, explaining… “I’m not your enemy” the magician said. “I don’t have to be a friend; in fact you’re wise to keep in mind that I’m nobody’s friend. But I’m not your enemy. Not here, now, in

Proof-of-work, and someone else’s words…. Read More »

Snapshot of a Life…

        If a picture’s worth a thousand words, then here’s a blogpost about what I’ve been up to recently…     (the research-corner of my office, currently given over to material for SILVER ON THE ROAD.  The brown paper on the wall hosts a rotating series of post-its and relevant-to-the-chapter information, while the

Snapshot of a Life… Read More »

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