The Devil’s West


So on Friday, I finally saw the almost-finished cover for SILVER ON THE ROAD. And I had some nitpicks, because, well, ARTISTS, she said in mock disgust. But overall? I kind of fucking love it. But it’s not Officially Finished Yet.  So I can’t show it to anyone. *flails and dies a little*

*tease* Read More »

State of the Meerkat, Five Things Weekend Roundup Version

1.  Reminder if you missed the earlier announcements: the #‎willwrite2feedothers story for 2015 went live! (but will only remain live for a limited time, so read now!) 2. A sporting thing happened here in town.  There was much swearing and sweating and triumphant heart attack honking and cheering.  If I’d had an actual emotional attachment to this

State of the Meerkat, Five Things Weekend Roundup Version Read More »

The first Monday of the New Year is for doing EVERYTHING. It says so right on this calendar.

This morning I dealt with a feline sugar crash (perfect timing cat, you couldn’t have done that while at the vet’s tomorrow?) and then delicately hammered out my daily dose of new words- Brassy child, he muttered, not first the first time since she’d issued that threat.  His own fault for teaching her to tie

The first Monday of the New Year is for doing EVERYTHING. It says so right on this calendar. Read More »

Why I’m me, and not someone else…

Fascinating, and rather depressing conversation happening on Twitter right now about the Great Mostly White Male “most anticipated fantasy books of 2015” lists dropping now. (the females seen on these lists? Robin Hobb and Kameron Hurley. Both potentially gender-neutral names, and Kameron says she specifically requested that they not put an author photo on the

Why I’m me, and not someone else… Read More »

state of the meerkat: pinks and blues and ink….

Taken w/ an iPad mini camera, so a little fuzzy on the edges…. but yeah.  This was the view from my balcony this morning.  Does. Not. Suck. Meanwhile, there’s been major breakthrough on plotting of The Devil’s West #2, also a possible (working) title.  And some days you look at your writing and think, “man,

state of the meerkat: pinks and blues and ink…. Read More »

Updatery, various and sundry

My only comments about the election are that with democracy, sometimes we get the government other people deserved.  Also, that not giving up/not losing faith is the best fuck you we can give to those who want to haul us back to the 1950’s (or 1850’s). I’m off to World Fantasy today. Over the weekend, Subtenant will be cat-minding,

Updatery, various and sundry Read More »

Revisionary Update

SILVER ON THE ROAD is now, officially, the longest book I’ve ever written, and I still have another 75 pages to revise (exactly where Mine Editor sayeth “give us more detail!”) So. Yeah.   (for those wondering, that means we’re past the 126,000 word mark. Certain Writers may call that a novella, but for me,

Revisionary Update Read More »

Various and Sundry has to unpack the cat

Writerly Stuff: Revisions on many things continue.   I am very boring on social media during revisions, unless you’re privy to the maniacal cackling and frustrated sobbing…. For those of you following the progress of SILVER ON THE ROAD, I just sent the following character references off to our art director: Kasun Izzy I have

Various and Sundry has to unpack the cat Read More »

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