The State of Everything – A Working SitRep


SILVER ON THE ROAD is copyeditor-bound. I hope to have ARCs soon, to maybe scatter among the deserving and talkative… (if you’re a blogger or otherwise loudmouthed in the industry and want one, email me!)

WORK OF HUNTERS (Sylvan Investigations #3) is with the proofreader and from there into backer-edition production, huzzah!

CLAWED (Gin & Tonic #4 is in production and I expect to have finished copies RSN.  I’m not going to be doing much “in person” support on this book because DEADLINES so again, if you’re a blogger and want an early copy, email me!  (unless you’re already on my publisher’s List, in which case you should have a copy already!)

AN INTERRUPTED CRY (Sylvan Investigations #4) is in the “I think I need to rework that section of plot because I’m  not satisfied with it yet” stage.  Grrr.  Argh.

THE DEVIL’S WEST #2 just hit the 20,000 word mark (after I rewrote the first 15,000 words), and is back on schedule, stop looking at me like that.


Short(er) stories:

There are two stories out on submission *crosses fingers* and one short in revisions, while I have another two  (requested, with deadlines) that I’m stirring in the think-pot even as I type this.  More on those as they happen.


New Projects:  Waiting on agent’s feedback for one, still stirring the pot on the other… hopefully as soon as the short fiction  is well underway, the novel proposal will come out of hiding and tell itself to me… (I already know the setting, the main characters, and the basic plot, but they’re not all talking to each other yet).

And yeah, then there’s the Noir Cats project.  I’m still trying to figure out how to get that up in a way that’s timely and allows people to tip generously as it amuses them.   Is that everything?  That’s everything I can think of, anyway….


3 thoughts on “The State of Everything – A Working SitRep”

  1. I need to ramp up my blog again so I can get the goodies early! Your list makes me tired just looking at it.

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