Reposting a blogpost from November 14th, 2003: suricata’s big adventure

Reposting a blogpost from November 14th, 2003

Originally posted by suricattus at suricata’s big adventure

And so it begins. This weekend, the d.y.m.k. productions website will go live, and I’ll begin the Great Adventure of being an editor/writer for hire.I’m simultaneously terrified and thrilled, which I’m told is very healthy. After thinking and planning and wishing and plotting for two years, I’m finally my own boss.Pity I hear she’s such a bitch to work for.


Details to follow, but the official e-mail address is dymk (at) lycos (dot) com if you think you might have need of my excellent and reasonably priced services….


And here is me, ten years later.  Still freelancing.  Still simultaneously terrified and thrilled.  Still working for a bitch.  :-)

I miss the office life, sometimes.  There was no small amount that was good in that life.  And freelancing is a series of near-disasters pulled out by skill, nerve, and sheer luck.  But overall, even in this economy…. being a freelancer has much to recommend it.

Happy Tenth Anniversary to d.y.m.k. productions, and me.  And here’s to another ten, and more.

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