Taking my companion’s advice, my plan for today was to sleep late, stretch out sore muscles, and then do as little physical activity as possible, to ensure full recovery from yesterday’s bike ride. He is also trying to talk me into doing the Tour de Bronx next month. Hrmmm.
Things accomplished today:
- a freelance copywriting gig
- clearing out the Pending Email File (which is different from the General Inbox in terms of “these people need to hear from me NOW”)
- clearing off the Author’s Shelves in preparation for new editions incoming (which also means there will be an Author’s Shelf Sale coming up soon)
- further planning for next week’s research trip to the Specific Northwest
- watched a lot of football
You may well note that there was no fiction-writing on that list. My brain didn’t even feel the need to jot notes down. Very odd. Tomorrow, we need to get back on the typestick. The Twitter hashtag of #cantsleepdeadlineswilleatme is once again in effect.
The freelance gig was an interesting one – the author is doing an ebook story collection with a twist – playing (with permission & co-operation) with characters created by other writers. It’s a fun conceit well-done, and a portion of the profits will go towards a literary charity, so it was really a pleasure to work on it.
And as part of the recovery, I’m letting my body have whatever it wants, foodwise. Part of what it wanted was chocolate-covered graham crackers (oops) but dinner tonight was a nicely healthy pasta with smoked salmon, which is one of my favorite comfort foods. And here’s where the food budgeting tip comes in. Smoked salmon – $25-ish/pound, which can be kind of hurtful. But if you’re going to be dicing and tossing with pasta, or otherwise not needing Presentation Slices?  See if your local store offers smoked salmon bits – the trimmings from larger pieces. I get mine for under $10/pound, and it’s the same level of Yum.
And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a food coma and Sunday night football to indulge in.