Oh hai there it’s me…

Hey there.  Between this cold that continues to linger, trying to get some writing and editing projects finished up, US politics (and a bonus of happier French politics), and the winery getting ready for our Spring releases this week, I’ve…not been a very good little blogger.  In fact, I’ve been slacking on a lot of things, and I intend to catch up on all that in the next few days.

Stop snickering.  I mean it!  *stomps paw*

Meanwhile, Spring has arrived in Washington state – we’ve still got the occasional rain, but more and more often the days are sunny and warming, with just a nip of cool still remaining in the air.  It’s exactly the kind of weather than makes me want to go hiking… and I can’t, because of this cough that’s still lingering, making me more prone to sacking out for an hour on the sofa.  But there will be hiking, and hike-blogging, too.  Soon….

So, anyway.  Not dead (yet).  Getting better, even.  Ignore that hacking cough behind the curtain….

Oh, and I’ll be in Pittsburgh next weekend, at the Nebula Awards Conference.  If you’re there, or just in town, drop by and say hi!


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