Write What you Don’t Know 12pm
When should you self-publish? 3:00 PM
Autographing: 7:00 PM
Consistency, Shmistency 11:00 AM
A light schedule, mainly because I’m going to be day-tripping the convention (first, because I live half an hour away, and second because that way I don’t have to get someone else to come in and give CatofSize his 2x daily shots) but also because I am up to my ears in work and really shouldn’t even be taking any time off. But, you know, convention. Socializing. I’m told it’s good for me. :-)
So now you know where to find me this weekend.
(and yes, I will have some copies of MILES TO GO/PROMISES TO KEEP for purchase, if you have a hankering for the print edition and never got around to ordering one from the publisher…)