How to Increase the Stress of Book Day Without Really Trying!

  1.  Realize that you’ve managed to schedule your first actual non-work or family-related vacation in nearly 6 years that week (meaning: limited internet access on the day of release)
  2.  Get a text from your cat-sitter that starts “don’t freak out, but we’re at the vet….”I now remember why it’s been 6 years since my last vacation.  Yikes.But!  If you’re reading this, everything went off without a visible hitch, and WEST WINDS’ FOOL and Other Stories of the Devil’s West has gone live!

    And since I won’t have reliable internet for another two days, I’ve put together a PAQ (potentially asked questions):

    Is “A Town Called Flood”  the original story that grew into SILVER ON THE ROAD?    Yes, yes it is.  You will spot many similarities – and a number of significant differences.

    Will there be a print edition?    Yes, as soon as I nail down some fiddly production and distribution details!

    When is “Gabriel’s Road” coming out?   I’m still aiming for Winter 2019, but I’m not going to take a blood oath on when in the winter…..

    Is the cat okay?   We think so – he’s elderly and diabetic, and a cancer survivor, so every sneeze and wobble makes us nervous, but he has an excellent vet and a lot of stubbornness… Good wishes much appreciated.

    Where did you go on vacation?   Taos, New Mexico.  Storing up sunshine for the Engloomening about to descend upon the Pacific Northwest….

    So, until I return to the land of coffee and orcas and reliable internet…

    Happy Reading!


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