the writing life

Can we have two Tuesdays instead of a Monday? I think that would work much better….

Monday. Oh god, the Do-Board for today is more than slightly insane. But it’s (almost) all Good and Interesting, so yay? To Do: Deflag the copyedit for HEART OF BRIAR Look over the revisions letter for SOUL OF FIRE (yeah, mine editor was late with the revisions letter so I’m behind the schedule. Such as

Can we have two Tuesdays instead of a Monday? I think that would work much better…. Read More »

A Reminder (for you, and for them, and for me)

“How do I do this?  How do YOU do this?  How does it get done, this book-writing, storytelling thing?  I keep starting and stopping, getting distracted, getting bored, getting broken…. what’s the secret?” The following paragraph has long resided in the sidebar of my Livejournal blog.  Some days (weeks, months, years) it’s useful to shake

A Reminder (for you, and for them, and for me) Read More »

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