
I always do this…

I contemplate a project, and I say “no, you can’t start work on it until X” – until you finish something else, until an editor buys it, until a Kickstarter hits 50% funded, at least. And my brain goes pbbbttttthhtt, sez YOU. And so I give you the opening lines of “Miles to Go.” ————————————- My back […]

I always do this… Read More »

In which my love for a character drives me to do the (kickstarter) crazy….

So, I’ve handed in Portals #1 (now called HEART OF BRIAR) to my editor at Luna, and I’m working on Portals #2 (SOUL OF FIRE) and…. I still can’t get Danny out of my head. Even thought I’m having a blast with the Portals duology, I had really, really wanted to write Danny Hendrickson – ex-cop,

In which my love for a character drives me to do the (kickstarter) crazy…. Read More »

The beginning of the end…and beginning again?

And lo, DRAGON JUSTICE (PSI#4) has gone off to Madame Editrix, and from there into the clutches of the copyeditor, and from there… What began in 2004 with STAYING DEAD has come to a close.  Ten books later, the last Cosa Nostradamus novel for Luna has gone into production. There is rare steak and red

The beginning of the end…and beginning again? Read More »

I’m crazy, it’s true, but I’m crazy in that way that you like….

so… I’ve been wondering what to do with the “what happened to Mahault after the events of The Vineart War” realization I had…. Should it be a new Kickstarter bonus for “From Whence You Came”?  Should it be saved for some future time? And then I thought – nah. So.  If we make it to,

I’m crazy, it’s true, but I’m crazy in that way that you like…. Read More »

You DID it!

“From Whence You Came” is a Go. I repeat, the novella is a go. We have reached 100%.  In one month. *falls over OMGYAY!  Hugs EVERYONE involved*I admit it, I wasn’t entirely convinced this would work – there’s always this writerly suspicion that people won’t actually PAY to read anything you’ve written, that you’re not

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