Back from the woods, and a THE COLD EYE update!

So, I spent the past few days in the (VERY COLD) Oregon woods, sleeping in a tent and cooking over an open flame (ok, and using those nifty jetpackish water heaters for coffee), reminding myself about the Importance of Civilization, and came home to the discover that the trade paper reprint of THE COLD EYE  (1/18) is up on Amazon for pre-order!

Amazon US / Amazon Canada / Amazon UK /

(as soon as other outlets have it up, I’ll do the formal and important “where to buy everywhere” update for those of us who prefer to buy elsewhere)

But this means I can (finally!) show you the nifty new cover by artist Emma Rios, who did an amazing job capturing so much of the Devil’s West in one illustration….

(seriously: I gasped when I first saw the sketch.  As much as I loved the first take by Palencar, showing us Izzy in all her glorious non-Anglo self, this hits the spirit of the Territory, dead on.)
















And no, I have no idea if they will be repackaging SILVER ON THE ROAD as well.  Nobody tells the author nuthin’ until it’s already underway….

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