ReThings and ReThinks…

So, yesterday’s “get stuff off your plate” shame-listing worked pretty well. All but 1.5 things were done and dusted, and the remaining 1.5 are underway. So, yay me.

(shame is not something I recommend, but you use the self-motivational tools that work)

And part of why things didn’t get done yesterday is that the contract for the new Devil’s West books arrived, and I took the night to go over that with a fine-tooth comb (and a few glasses of wine). At one point, I may or may not have been reading relevant bits out loud, because some of that Legalese really calls out for a Radio Announcer Voice.

And it made me wonder if people are up for a post about Contracts and Creatives and the love-hate professional relationship between them?

Anyway, today’s all about getting those last bits done, then plowing back into the writing. Yay, writing!


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