March did not exactly start off with a bang – Saturday was reasonably busy, but then I got nailed with serious insomnia Sunday morning (not a thing I am normally prone to, thankfully) and the rest of the day my brain felt much like wet taffy. I can no longer function on 4 hours of sleep.  Oh hell, I never could. Six, yes. Four, no.  Managed to get some editing and pre-editorial reading done, but not so much with the writing.
On the other hand, I did manage to clear out and sort my email, so that the Actual In Box (as opposed to the side subject folders) is easily scannable, and nothing will get lost. Â For at least a week, anyway. Â However, in the process some settings got wonked (I touched nothing, I swear!) and now Thunderbird will only d/l email from the Gmail account, but not SEND anything, and ignores the account entirely. Â I have access to mail, I just have to interact with it via the web portals, which I HATE. Have sent out the usual cries for help to the usual suspects.
This week, I’ll be doing the final pass on DOGHOUSE (Gin & Tonic #3) page proofs, working on a client manuscript edit, starting work on the Kickstarter bonus projects, and continuing work on SILVER ON THE ROAD (The Devil’s West 1) and TAGGED (Gin & Tonic #4). Â Oh, and there’s that short story I started, too. Â Should go poke at that some more.
Slide a pizza under the door, willya?
Meanwhile, there’s a nice review of PACK OF LIES here, from Musings And Ramblings. It’s always good to see older books getting discovered/loved. :-D
Slide a pizza under the door, willya?
I’ve been sending other stuff to your email box. :Grin: You wouldn’t want most Minneapolis Pizza anyway…