Monday. Oh god, the Do-Board for today is more than slightly insane. But it’s (almost) all Good and Interesting, so yay?
To Do:
- Deflag the copyedit for HEART OF BRIAR
- Look over the revisions letter for SOUL OF FIRE (yeah, mine editor was late with the revisions letter so I’m behind the schedule. Such as it ever was…)
- meeting with the Tax Guy (oh dog, freelancer taxes. They are a thing of heartache and headache)
- Another 1-2k on DOGHOUSE, to stay on schedule
- follow up on email with freelance clients, to keep projects moving forward
- follow up on email with pending situation I can’t talk about yet
- write the two blog posts I owe this week
- follow up on the “currently reading” blog post someone else owes me…
That should keep me busy for a few hours, yeah?
and for those of you for whom this means anything:
March 18th. *carefully does not fangirl squee* *may be squeeing a little bit*
Many would be in favor of a brace of Tuesdays to a Monday and Tuesday