So, back a few months ago, Steph at Fangs Wands and Fairy Dust asked me if I’d be interested in participating in a “Fool for Love” bloghop.
What would they need? I asked, already calculating my available time and brain cells.
Oh, she said casually (too casually), just, maybe a guest post, or a personal ISO ad from your characters, or even a recipe…
Wait. A recipe? I could do that. Maybe a scene of, oh, Bonnie and Venec’s first date, and…
And a few weeks, and FOUR THOUSAND WORDS LATER….
I was, indeed, a Fool for Love.
Check the blog, and find out when I’m up!
Hi Laura, We are thrilled to have you on board! I love your post and am currently setting up your giveaway of a copy of HARD MAGIC. on the 3rd when your post goes live the permalink will be