Apparently, I had the wrong dates in my schedule. I depart the city not a week from Friday, but THIS Friday.
I do not panic. I have everything under control.
All I have to do is laundrypaybillswrite5kwordsarrangecatsittingdotheNYRSFreadingtonightedit3storiesdepositpaychecksmeetwithMadame
EditrixsendImportantEmailspackickupcardrivetoBoston…. by Friday noon.
Piece of cake.
Cake with moar coffee, pls.
On the plus side, the apartment is booked, the flights are booked, so Rome in December is a Go. *does happy dance* “Two Jews walk into the Vatican on Christmas Day…”
[anyone looking to burgle the place while I’m gone? All you’ll get is two affection-hungry cats, a printer, and a cheap TV. Sorry.]
And I now only need 3k words. Totally cake. Yes.
can I ahve the cats if you wrap and airmail them :) have a great trip, throw a coin in the Trevi fountain, kick back and enjoy the vino